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Your address information will only be used for order delivery.
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First name
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Street address & house number
Apartment, suite, etc.
Country Code
Please provide your real phone number to ensure the package can be easily delivered to you.
Tax ID
According to Brazilian Correios requirements.from 1 January 2020. it is necessary to submit CPF/CNPJ for all imported parcel.
CPF/CNPJ should be a 11 digital numbers. Such as: 000.000.000-00
Tax ID

What is PCCC?

PCCC(Personal Customs Clearance Code) is the only code to issue customs affairs for residents of Republic of Korea, it can be applied on customs website
(To apply, please click me.)

Limited to PCCC Code Only:

PCCC should be a 13-dight numbers starting with P. Such as: P111111111111
Tax ID

What is the National ID Number?

Why Need The ID Number?
According to the new customs regulations of Saudi Aradia, consignee needs to provide their national ID number to assist in customs clearance. Providing an ID number will reduce the risk of the package being delayed or held in customs.

we promises your personal information will remain confidential and won't be shared with any third-party for commercial purpose.
National ID should be a 10-dight number starting with 1 or 2.
Tax ID
Your RUT number is necessary for customs clearance

The RUT has 8 or 9 digits. (The last digit is a number or K.) Please fill in the real info, otherwise the order can't be cleared and refunded.
Tax ID
Your NPWP number is necessary for customs clearance. If you don't have one, the item can't be cleared smoothly and it may be detained by the Customs.

NPWP should be a 15-digit number
Tax ID
Your DNI/RUC number is necessary for customs clearance. If you don't have one, the item can't be cleared smoothly and it may be detained by the Customs.

National ID should be a 8-digit number,RUC number should be a 11-digit number
Tax ID
为加强进口监管措施,中国台湾海关于2008年9月20日起对所有进口包裹类快件(不含文件)启动个人实名认证以及在线报关委托,并对中国台湾进口收件人信息进行系统校验。 为防止通关延误,请务必确认您的收件人的个人姓名及信息已在海关线上平台上登记,详细登记说明请参考 中国台湾海关官方网站。
VAT On E-Commerce - VOEC
Foreign providers of remotely deliverable services and low value goods are obliged to collect and pay VAT. Such as: 2011111(7 digits,starting with "2")

click here for more details and register your VOEC NO

Shipping method

Some items in your cart can’t be shipped to the address you entered. Review your address to ensure that all fields have been entered correctly and try again.

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